Welcome to the UNDER THE POLE expeditions press review area. You will find here all the press releases, the press kit, as well as the photos and videos made available to you. Please do not hesitate to contact Bruno Valentin from the Zeppelin agency regarding the photos, or Alexandre Soenen for the videos or any other request.





Le programme DEEPLIFE allie recherche scientifique, sensibilisation et innovation, au service d’une meilleure connaissance et de la préservation des océans.

Mené en collaboration avec le CNRS, représenté par les deux co-directeurs scientifiques du programme Laetitia HEDOUIN et Lorenzo BRAMANTI, il se déroule entre 2021 et 2030 et a été officiellement reconnu comme « Projet de la décennie des sciences océaniques au service du développement durable ».

Le programme DEEPLIFE part à la découverte des forêts animales marines au travers de l’ensemble des bassins océaniques de la planète, des régions polaires aux tropiques, en passant par les régions tempérées. Les expéditions ont débuté en 2022 avec l’exploration des écosystèmes arctiques, parmi les plus nord au monde dans l’archipel du Svalbard, avant de rejoindre les îles Canaries et leurs incroyables forêts de corail noir. DEEPLIFE se poursuit dans les Caraïbes et la mer Méditerranée entre 2023 et 2024.



Après 4 années d’explorations sous-marines sur 3 océans, la goélette polaire d’UNDER THE POLE « WHY » va retrouver samedi à 14h00 son port d’attache de Concarneau. Ce retour signe la fin de la 3e expédition qui a notamment été marquée par la première plongée à saturation de 3 jours dans la CAPSULE (un observatoire sous-marin). Pour l’occasion, un programme riche est proposé toute la semaine à Concarneau avec des projections/débats, des expositions et une conférence bilan, le tout en présence d’Emmanuelle et Ghislain Bardout, directeurs des expéditions UNDER THE POLE.

Our divers spend 3 days under the sea!


In Moorea, French Polynesia, the Under The Pole III divers, Ghislain Bardout, expedition leader, Gaël Lagarrigue and Franck Gazzola, have successfully completed the first 3-day saturation dive in the Capsule (September 25 to September 28, 2019). This underwater habitat stay launches a new era of scientific exploration with continuous and long-term observation of marine ecosystems by the Under The Pole.

Sampling the world's deepest mesophotic coral


On April 4, 2019, in the Gambier archipelago in French Polynesia, Ghislain Bardout and two divers from his crew sampled the deepest mesophotic coral ever collected (-172 m): Leptoseris hawaiiensis. After 9 months of scientific research and nearly 4,000 coral samples taken in the mesophotic zone (-30m to - 150m), the first results show that 60% of surface species are able to colonize the depths: it is the first hope for saving surface corals.

DeepHope • Mid-term review


« After four months of expedition and four islands studied, the results are beyond our expectations, we were able to collect 4,000 samples of corals, and we are acquiring critical and vital data on mesophotic corals, which will constitute a source of knowledge to improve their preservation, but also a source of inspiration for the future. […] For the first time, we are discovering Polynesian mesophotic reefs, in their wealth and weaknesses, together to propose solutions to protect them. » – Laetitia Hédouin (French Scientific Research National Center / Island Research Center and Environmental Observatory)

DeepHope program launch


The UNDER THE POLE III Twilight Zone expedition in 2017-2021, led by Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout and Ghislain Bardout, starts its second scientific research campaign in August 2018 following the first one in the Northwest Passage in summer 2017. Together with the Island Research Center and Environmental Observatory, the Under The Pole divers study deep corals in French Polynesia.

DeepHope • Capsule


At the beginning of November 2017, the UNDER THE POLE III expedition led by Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout and Ghislain Bardout, completed the first part of the journey: navigation through the North West Passage to study natural fluorescence and underwater biodiversity in the Arctic. Back in France in winter, the crew is about to set off again for 15 months of underwater exploration in French Polynesia.





The "Capsule" is an experimental diving program aiming to study the underwater environment. It is part of a permanent innovation process for scientific and documentary use, enabling a man to stay permanently and effectively in immersion. This light underwater habitat will become a refuge for divers for three months letting them study in total and continuous immersion.

Under The Pole III • Twilight Zone • 2017-2021


In this press kit, you will find all the essential information on the UNDER THE POLE and the new UNDER THE POLE III • Twilight Zone • 2017 - 2021 expedition. The 3 main scientific programs are detailed there: the program on bioluminescence and natural fluorescence, the program on mesophotic coral reefs and finally the biodiversity inventory program.



Under The Pole IV • Leg TEMPÉRÉ • CANARIES

13/10/2022 – 14/12/2022

La seconde mission du programme DEEPLIFE, qui s’est déroulée aux Canaries, aura permis de mener des études scientifiques en plongée sur les forêts animales marines de 4 îles de l’archipel : Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, El Hierro.

Ecole de plongée UNDER THE POLE


25/04/2022 – 30/06/2022

La première mission du programme DEEPLIFE prend place dans l’archipel du Svalbard, situé dans l’océan Arctique et constituant la terre la plus septentrionale de la Norvège. Le Svalbard lance le quatrième programme d’expédition et signe le retour de l’équipe UNDER THE POLE en zone polaire. Au programme : d’avril à juin, deux boucles d’exploration à bord du WHY ont été réalisées entre les villes de Longyearbyen et de Ny-Ålesund, plus au nord.

Under The Pole III • Pacific Leg • Capsule mission

01/08/2019 – 30/11/2019

From August and November 2019, the UNDER THE POLE expedition deployed the Capsule, an underwater refuge allowing divers to stay underwater for long periods.

Under The Pole III • Arctic Leg

20/05/2017 – 01/10/2017

From May to October 2017, the schooner "WHY" sailed between Concarneau, its home port, and Alaska, passing through Greenland and crossing the legendary Northwest Passage. A multidisciplinary crew of scientists, divers, sailors, cameramen, photographers, doctors… on board, eager to explore the twilight mesophotic zone and study bioluminescence, natural fluorescence and arctic biodiversity.

Under The Pole III • Pacific Leg • DeepHope Mission

01/08/2018 – 30/06/2019

From August 2018 to June 2019, the UNDER THE POLE together with the Island Research Center and Environmental Observatory did an ambitious research work called DeepHope. This program consisted in studying the mesophotic corals of the five archipelagos of French Polynesia, located between -30m and -150m depth.

Under The Pole II • Discovery Greenland

17/01/2014 – 26/09/2015

This expedition follows the North-South study of the underwater environment between the North Pole and the Polar Circle. It is a systemic exploration of the seabed throughout the west coast of Greenland during the whole seasonal cycle with overwintering in pack ice, between the surface and 112 m depth.

The royalty-free photos are available for the Web and the Regional Daily Press use respecting the quarter page limit size.

The iconographic data of the UNDER THE POLE expeditions is managed by the Zeppelin agency. For any request, please consult the website or contact Bruno Valentin (tel: + 33 06 82 07 87 90).



UNDER THE POLE has a selection of photos and videos from its three previous expeditions agreed for reuse. The data is available on request to Alexandre Soenen.

This teaser cannot be downloaded or reused. Its only purpose is to give an idea of ​​the videos available.



Clarisse Gaspar



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Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address:


At your service

Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address:


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Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address:



Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address: