Feeling like an adventure?


The 4th Under The Pole expedition will take place between March 2022 and June 2030. Throughout the expedition, we offer diving and sailing internships ranging from one to several weeks. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries.

Contact : explorer@underthepole.com

July 2024


Greece - Sicily

In July 2024, join us for a sailing journey connecting the Greek islands to the beautiful Sicily aboard our sailboat

Whether you are a seasoned sailing enthusiast or an amateur seeking a maritime adventure, our intern program is designed to provide you with a rewarding and unique experience.

Join us and become part of this adventure that combines exploration, sailing, and scientific research in the heart of the Mediterranean.

du 17 au 31 juillet 2024.

4 places available

Tarif : 3.000 € Hors Taxes

Number of vacancies available on the Under The Pole Explorer internships may be subject to change following the different steps of the expedition. We make a distinction between the expedition, conveying and spotting.

Boarding takes place on the afternoon of the first day and disembarkation on the morning of the last day.

In order to have the best rates and to catch a flight, we advise you to bool your planes tickets as soon as possible (on the web or with our travel agency)

Une réduction du tarif est appliquée pour toute participation à un second séjour ou en cas de cumul de 2 séjours.

Full board accommodation on board, ship's fund (food, fuel and port taxes), expenses related to the expedition team, expenses related to the boat's crew and the diving supervision, civil liability insurance for the boat and the diving. For divers, all diving equipment is provided, except for a wet suit.

Airline tickets, airport transfers, eventual nights in a hotel during transit, multi-risk personal / luggage / cancellation insurance, communications with the equipment on board, diving equipment other than those mentioned above.

Details of the


Life on board

Life on board is simple, punctuated by the ship's progress, the weather, the expedition program, moments of relaxation and animal encounters. Meals are taken on board or in the field during the bivouacs and are prepared from the stocks available on board by a person in charge of the supplies and the kitchen. The meals are shared at the table by the whole team. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, "dive returns" or "race returns" are taken hot upon arrival on board. Everyone participates daily in washing up, helping with the preparation of meals and cleaning the boat. Each person has a bunk and storage space that constitutes his or her private space. Comforters and sleeping bags are available. Sheets and sackcloth must be brought by each student (see practical information).

Embarkation and disembarkation

Boarding takes place on the afternoon of the first day and disembarkation on the morning of the last day.

Supervision of internships

Le déroulement des stages est placé sous la responsabilité du chef d’expédition, qui décide – en lien avec le responsable de plongée et le skipper – du programme quotidien en fonction de la météo, des besoins de l’expédition et des envies

Transportation to and from

Outbound travel : Plan to arrive on the latest the day before the boarding. 

Return trip: Plan to leave the morning after arrival at the port. In order to benefit from the best fares and to guarantee a seat on the right flight, we advise you to book your plane tickets as soon as possible (on the Internet, with us or with your travel agency).




1 sac de voyage souple d’environ 80 L (sac à dos ou sac bandoulière). Attention, pas de valise à bord (trop encombrante et difficile à ranger).

Vêtements (zone polaire)

## Attention : pas de possibilité de laver le linge à bord, même à la main.

  • Des sous-vêtements en nombre suffisants
  • 2 t-shirts pour les jours où il fait doux
  • 2 pantalons dont 1 pantalon de randonnée
  • Des vêtements chauds : 2 collants, 2 sous-pull, 2 polaires.
  • 2 ou 3 paires de grosses chaussettes
  • 1 paire de chaussures de randonnée (pour les excursions à terre)
  • 1 paire de bottes hautes pouvant être enfilées avec 2 paires de grosses chaussettes (pour le bateau et les débarquements en annexe)
  • 1 paire de chaussures légères ou de pantoufles pour l’intérieur du bateau
  • 1 paire de gants de montagne, éventuellement une paire de gants en polaire
  • 1 bonnet chaud, éventuellement une cagoule
  • 1 veste chaude et coupe-vent avec un col bien montant (type Anorak, G-Loft…)

Éventuellement : 1 veste et 1 pantalon coupe-vent (type Gore-Tex ou ciré) OU 1 pantalon, 1 veste de quart et 1 pyjama


Fournis par UTP :

  • 1 drap housse (en coton)
  • 1 taie d’oreiller 65×65 cm
  • 1 oreiller
  • 1 drap de sac simple en coton (« sac à viande ») pour mettre à l’intérieur du sac de couchage (prêté par UTP). Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez prendre votre propre sac de couchage

Ne pas oublier

  • 1 paire de lunettes de soleil
  • Protection solaire lèvres et visage
  • Produit éventuel pour le mal des transport (vols et bateau)
  • Pharmacie et médicaments personnels
  • 1 trousse de toilette
  • 1 serviette de toilette (petite taille) et 1 gant de toilette (facultatif)



Travel documents

Depending on the destination, check with the embassy to see if a visa is required. In all cases, the passport must be valid for the duration of the trip.


UTP Explorer covers the boat and its crew with third-party insurance. Interns must subscribe individually to a third-party (liability) insurance (accident, search, repatriation, decease...) for all the risks due to the activities done during the internship. A cancelling insurance and luggage lost is highly recommanded.

Physical Fitness

Diving and hiking require a good physical condition. It is also essential to be able to embark and disembark alone from the boat via the semi-rigid dinghy.

Sailing Skills

Only offshore courses require a minimum of sailing knowledge and experience. For the other courses, the trainees are invited to join the crew for the maneuvers and the navigation watches, according to their skills.




Iridium satellite telephone

The boat has a fixed satellite phone and a mobile satellite phone. Their use is restricted and reserved.

Upon arrival, travelers have the option of sending a "welcome home" email to the person of their choice via the onboard email. No other telecommunication with the onboard equipment is allowed during the stay, except in case of emergency. If travelers wish to communicate freely, they must rent an Iridium portable satellite phone with a prepaid chip before departure.

Mobile Phones

On board the ship, the cell phone network connections may only work near the cities.


On board the ship, no connection to the Internet is possible. The connections are made in the internet spaces of the cities where we stop.

photo, video, music equipments

  • Le bateau dispose d’une enceinte Bluetooth. Il est ainsi facile d’écouter de la musique, de transférer et de visionner les photos/films du jour. Des prises électriques sont disponibles dans tout le bateau pour recharger les différents appareils électriques.


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Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address: contact@underthepole.com


At your service

Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address: contact@underthepole.com


Get a file

Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address: contact@underthepole.com



Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address: contact@underthepole.com