Professional diving school
The professional diving school UNDER THE POLE accompanies you in the acquisition and the recycling of your Certificate of Aptitude to Hyperbaric Mention B, in the fields of activities:
De notre base à Concarneau, depuis notre voilier d’expédition, ou au plus près de votre lieu de travail, nous pourrons vous accompagner dans le développement de vos compétences de plongeur professionnel.
Course dates: please contact us
Nous restons disponibles pour l’aménagement d’une date de stage supplémentaire ou pour nous déplacer dans vos locaux (sous conditions).
Registration and information: : Joel CASSET _ 0033 (0)6 98 72 14 84 _
« Activité exonérée de TVA — Art. 261.4.4 a du CGI »
Course Type | Rates € (Tax not included) | Duration |
Class 0 | 1 400,00 € | 3 days / 24h |
Class 1 | 2 285,00 € | 7 days / 49h |
Class 2 | 3 000,00 € | 10 days / 70h |
Class 3 (with CCR hypoxic requirement) | 3 415,00 € | 5 days / 40h |
Class 3 | 6 200,00 € | 10 days / 70h |
Certificate of Aptitude for Hyperbarics B renewal | 370,00 € | 1 days / 8h |
Preparation before renewal | 315,00 € | 1 days / 8h |
Allègements possibles : (une évaluation des compétences pratiques et théoriques sera réalisée à votre entrée en formation)
NIVEAU 4 OU GUIDE DE PALANQUÉE | CLASSE 2 _ MENTION B | 35H / 5 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Formation CLASSE 2 MENTION B | 1800,00 HT |
BEES 1 (CAH mention B, « activité physiques ou sportives ») | CLASSE 2 _ MENTION B | 24H / 3 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3 CF Formation CLASSE 2 MENTION B | 950,00 HT |
DEJEPS (CAH mention B, « activité physiques ou sportives ») | CLASSE 2 _ MENTION B | 24H / 3 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3 CF Formation CLASSE 2 MENTION B | 950,00 HT |
DESJEPS (CAH mention B, « activité physiques ou sportives ») | CLASSE 2 _ MENTION B | 24H / 3 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3 CF Formation CLASSE 2 MENTION B | 950,00€ HT |
PA40 (MINI) + NITROX CONFIRMÉ | CLASSE 1 _ MENTION B | 35H / 5 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Formation CLASSE 1 MENTION B | 1800,00€ HT |
CLASSE 2 + (PTH 120 OU CCR HYPOXIQUE) | CLASSE 3 _ MENTION B | 35H / 5 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Formation CLASSE 3 MENTION B | 3415,00€ HT |
CAH mention B, « secours et sécurités » | Suivant classe demandée | 24H / 3 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3 CF Formation CLASSE 2 MENTION B | 950,00€ HT |
CAH mention B, « archéologie sous-marine et subaquatique » | Suivant classe demandée | 24H / 3 JOURS | JOUR 1, 2, 3 CF Formation CLASSE 2 MENTION B | 950,00€ HT |
The hyperbaric training mention B is based on the aptitudes for future professional divers to master perfectly their evolution in autonomy according to their class of depth, to control the management of the decompression by using the procedures of the Ministry of Work for the immersions, to set up safety procedures for himself and his team members.
The purpose of this safety training is to develop the following skills:
The final objective is to obtain a hyperbaric qualification in accordance with the regulations.
The holder can use this certification in addition to his or her main professional activity.
The fields of activity under the B mention are :
Access time to Hyperbaric training (initial and refresher courses) :
Depending on the type of financing requested and the time required for medical appointments, the time required to access training varies. The average delay is between 15 days and 3 months.
Conformément à l’article R. 4461-27 du Décret n° 2011-45 du 11 janvier 2011 relatif à la protection des travailleurs intervenant en milieu hyperbare, les Conseillers à la Prévention Hyperbare doivent avoir bénéficiés d’une formation spécifique.
Pour répondre aux besoins réglementaires des entreprises et, en l’absence des conditions du contenu prévu par la réglementation, UNDER THE POLE propose une formation spécifique pour les personnes souhaitant occuper les fonctions de Conseiller à la Prévention Hyperbare.
Objective :
Cette formation est destinée aux travailleurs hyperbares souhaitant assurer les fonctions de Conseiller à la Prévention Hyperbare. Domaine d’interventions subaquatiques « Mention B »(comprenant toutes les interventions définies dans l’article 2 de l’arrêté du 14 mai 2019 définissant les procédures d’accès, de séjour, de sortie et d’organisation du travail pour les interventions en milieu hyperbare exécutées avec immersion dans le cadre de la mention B « techniques, sciences, pêche, aquaculture, médias et autres interventions »)
Elle permettra de connaitre la réglementation en vigueur et de participer à son application dans l’entreprise demandeuse.
Vous bénéficierez d’une formation contribuant à :
Programmation générale :
Première journée, Joel CASSET référent technique et conseiller à la prévention hyperbare UNDER THE POLE :
Deuxième journée, avec le CESIM Santé (Professeur Erwan L’HER, Chef du service Réanimation du CHU Cavale blanche et Directeur du CESIM Santé) :
Formations sur la gestion des erreurs en plongée
Entrainement à la prise en charge de plongeurs accidenté en situation de milieu contraint, et mobile
Troisième journée, matinée avec DAN USA (Emmanuel DUGRENOT, physiologiste hyperbare)
Matinée :
Audience :
Conditions to candidate to this UNDER THE POLE course:
Mandatory documents to be provided before your entry in training:
Certificate :
Accessibility :
The physician issuing the hyperbaric fitness to work may or may not authorize access to the training course.
For all requests for training and accessibility to people with disabilities, please contact our training manager Joel CASSET.
Duration of the course :
La formation de « Conseiller à la Prévention Hyperbare » se déroule sur trois jours.
Course rates : 2335€ HT
General organisation:
Les formations débutent à la date et l’heure indiquées sur votre convocation (délivrée par mail avant votre entrée en formation)
Les journées suivantes commencent à 09h00 le matin et finissent à 18h00.
La pause du midi s’effectue entre 12h00 et 13h00, le repas du midi est inclus dans la formation à Concarneau.
Withdrawal and interruptions of training
All withdrawals or interruptions of training will lead to the application of article 3 of the conventions or contracts of professional training delivered at the time of the acceptance of your file.
Failure of the training
If you fail the practical and/or theoretical evaluations, a make-up evaluation is organized. If you fail again, we will offer to reschedule a complete training session.
Teaching methods:
When you enter the program, you will be given a digital educational file. This will contain all the educational documents concerning your course.
In order to carry out the trainings, we have :
For practical situations, our technical platform has :
Educational Tools:
Assessment method:
Individual equipment to have when you enter the course:
Contact Under the Pole:
Joel CASSET _ 06 98 72 14 84 _
Adress : 1 rue des Senneurs, 29900 Concarneau (France)
Objective :
This training allows the updating of the knowledge of Mention B hyperbaric workers, taking into account the evolution of techniques, materials and regulations.
This training day can be completed by a consolidation day before the refresher exam day (optional).
Audience :
Conditions to candidate to this UNDER THE POLE course:
Mandatory documents to be provided before your entry in training:
Certificate :
Accessibility :
The physician issuing the hyperbaric fitness to work may or may not authorize access to the training course.
For all requests for training and accessibility to people with disabilities, please contact our training manager Joel CASSET.
Duration of the course :
The renewal of your certificate of Aptitude for Hyperbarics B takes place over a 7-hour day
Course rates : 370€ HT
Consolidation Day: + 315€
General organisation:
The trainings start at the date and time indicated on your invitation (delivered by mail when you enter the training)
The days of training generally start at 09:00 and end at 17:00.
Lunch break between 12:00 and 13:00.
Withdrawal and interruptions of training
All withdrawals or interruptions of training will lead to the application of article 3 of the conventions or contracts of professional training delivered at the time of the acceptance of your file.
Failure of the training
If you fail the practical and/or theoretical evaluations, a make-up evaluation is organized. If you fail again, we will offer to reschedule a complete training session.
Teaching methods:
When you enter the program, you will be given a digital educational file. This will contain all the educational documents concerning your course.
Your trainer will debrief you daily on the acquisition of your skills. Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
In order to carry out the trainings, we have :
For practical situations, our technical platform has :
Educational Tools:
Assessment method:
Individual equipment to have when you enter the course:
If you are missing equipment, do not hesitate to inform the training manager for any purchasing advice.
Contact Under the Pole:
Joel CASSET _ 06 98 72 14 84 _
Adress : 1 rue des Senneurs, 29900 Concarneau (France)
Objective :
This training aims to acquire the following skills:
The training courses focus on the acquisition of various skills:
Audience :
Conditions to candidate to this UNDER THE POLE course:
Mandatory documents to be provided before your entry in training:
Certificate :
Accessibility :
The physician issuing the hyperbaric fitness to work may or may not authorize access to the training course.
For all requests for training and accessibility to people with disabilities, please contact our training manager Joel CASSET.
Duration of the course :
3 days or 24h
Course rates : 1400€ HT
General organisation:
The trainings start at the date and time indicated on your invitation (delivered by mail when you enter the training)
The days of training generally start at 09:00 and end at 17:00.
Lunch break between 12:00 and 13:00.
The first and second day of the course will allow us to position you in terms of the prerequisites imposed in the training (theory and practice).
Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
Withdrawal and interruptions of training
All withdrawals or interruptions of training will lead to the application of article 3 of the conventions or contracts of professional training delivered at the time of the acceptance of your file.
Failure of the training
If you fail the practical and/or theoretical evaluations, a make-up evaluation is organized. If you fail again, we will offer to reschedule a complete training session.
Teaching methods:
When you enter the program, you will be given a digital educational file. This will contain all the educational documents concerning your course.
Your trainer will debrief you daily on the acquisition of your skills. Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
In order to carry out the trainings, we have :
For practical situations, our technical platform has :
Educational Tools:
Assessment method:
Individual equipment to have when you enter the course:
If you are missing equipment, do not hesitate to inform the training manager for any purchasing advice.
Contact Under the Pole:
Joel CASSET _ 06 98 72 14 84 _
Adress : 1 rue des Senneurs, 29900 Concarneau (France)
Objective :
This training aims to acquire the following skills:
The training courses focus on the acquisition of various skills:
Audience :
Conditions to candidate to this UNDER THE POLE course:
Mandatory documents to be provided before your entry in training:
Certificate :
Accessibility :
The physician issuing the hyperbaric fitness to work may or may not authorize access to the training course.
For all requests for training and accessibility to people with disabilities, please contact our training manager Joel CASSET.
Duration of the course :
The Class 1 mention B training takes place over 7 days (49h)
Course rates : 2285€ HT
General organisation:
The trainings start at the date and time indicated on your invitation (delivered by mail when you enter the training)
The days of training generally start at 09:00 and end at 17:00.
Lunch break between 12:00 and 13:00.
Withdrawal and interruptions of training
All withdrawals or interruptions of training will lead to the application of article 3 of the conventions or contracts of professional training delivered at the time of the acceptance of your file.
Failure of the training
If you fail the practical and/or theoretical evaluations, a make-up evaluation is organized. If you fail again, we will offer to reschedule a complete training session.
Teaching methods:
When you enter the program, you will be given a digital educational file. This will contain all the educational documents concerning your course.
Your trainer will debrief you daily on the acquisition of your skills. Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
In order to carry out the trainings, we have :
For practical situations, our technical platform has :
Educational Tools:
Assessment method:
Individual equipment to have when you enter the course:
If you are missing equipment, do not hesitate to inform the training manager for any purchasing advice.
Contact Under the Pole:
Joel CASSET _ 06 98 72 14 84 _
Adress : 1 rue des Senneurs, 29900 Concarneau (France)
Objective :
This training aims to acquire the following skills:
The training courses focus on the acquisition of various skills:
Audience :
Conditions to candidate to this UNDER THE POLE course:
Mandatory documents to be provided before your entry in training:
Certificate :
Accessibility :
The physician issuing the hyperbaric fitness to work may or may not authorize access to the training course.
For all requests for training and accessibility to people with disabilities, please contact our training manager Joel CASSET.
Duration of the course :
70 hours (10 days)
Course rates : 3400€ HT
General organisation:
The trainings start at the date and time indicated on your invitation (delivered by mail when you enter the training)
The days of training generally start at 09:00 and end at 17:00.
Lunch break between 12:00 and 13:00.
The first and second day of the course will allow us to position you in terms of the prerequisites imposed in the training (theory and practice).
Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
Withdrawal and interruptions of training
All withdrawals or interruptions of training will lead to the application of article 3 of the conventions or contracts of professional training delivered at the time of the acceptance of your file.
Failure of the training
If you fail the practical and/or theoretical evaluations, a make-up evaluation is organized. If you fail again, we will offer to reschedule a complete training session.
Teaching methods:
When you enter the program, you will be given a digital educational file. This will contain all the educational documents concerning your course.
Your trainer will debrief you daily on the acquisition of your skills. Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
In order to carry out the trainings, we have :
For practical situations, our technical platform has :
Educational Tools:
Assessment method:
Individual equipment to have when you enter the course:
If you are missing equipment, do not hesitate to inform the training manager for any purchasing advice.
Contact Under the Pole:
Joel CASSET _ 06 98 72 14 84 _
Adress : 1 rue des Senneurs, 29900 Concarneau (France)
Objective :
This training aims to acquire the following skills:
The training courses focus on the acquisition of various skills:
Audience :
Conditions to candidate to this UNDER THE POLE course:
Mandatory documents to be provided before your entry in training:
Certificate :
Accessibility :
The physician issuing the hyperbaric fitness to work may or may not authorize access to the training course.
For all requests for training and accessibility to people with disabilities, please contact our training manager Joel CASSET.
Duration of the course :
La formation Classe 3 mention B se déroule sur 10 jours (70h) ou, de 7 jours, si détention d’un niveau CCR Hypoxique et justification de 15 plongées dans la zone 70-90 mètres)
Tarif du stage (10 jours) : 6 200€ HT
Tarif du stage (7 jours) : 3 415€ HT
General organisation:
The trainings start at the date and time indicated on your invitation (delivered by mail when you enter the training)
The days of training generally start at 09:00 and end at 17:00.
Lunch break between 12:00 and 13:00.
Withdrawal and interruptions of training
All withdrawals or interruptions of training will lead to the application of article 3 of the conventions or contracts of professional training delivered at the time of the acceptance of your file.
Failure of the training
If you fail the practical and/or theoretical evaluations, a make-up evaluation is organized. If you fail again, we will offer to reschedule a complete training session.
Teaching methods:
When you enter the program, you will be given a digital educational file. This will contain all the educational documents concerning your course.
Your trainer will debrief you daily on the acquisition of your skills. Particular attention will be paid to the weak points detected and in the event of too great a gap between your level and the expected level, a postponement of training will be proposed to you in order to prevent failure.
In order to carry out the trainings, we have :
For practical situations, our technical platform has :
Educational Tools:
Assessment method:
Individual equipment to have when you enter the course:
If you are missing equipment, do not hesitate to inform the training manager for any purchasing advice.
Contact Under the Pole:
Joel CASSET _ 06 98 72 14 84 _
Adress : 1 rue des Senneurs, 29900 Concarneau (France)
At your service
Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address:
Get a file
Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address:
Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address:
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Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 : the undersigned is informed that his personal data will be collected and processed electronically by the Club. This data will be stored by the UNDER THE POLE for administrative purposes for a period of 3 years. The undersigned is informed of his right of access, communication and rectification, in case of data proven inaccuracy as well as his right to oppose the processing and / or publication of his data for legitimate reasons. To do so, simply send an email to the following address: